
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Balik Kampung

30 May 2009

I just arrived from Kuching yesterday, and now I'm on my way to spend my holiday at my hometown -Kelantan. Since I was a kid, my parent always bring us (me & my siblings) to visit our grandparent, & spending our school break there. And I enjoyed it very much.

While waiting my bus to depart on 9.30 p.m from Hentian Putra, I take a walk to The Mall nearby, and look what I had found at Parkson

It's Renoma T Shirt with the price 70% less. Wow! I just can't help myself from buying it!

Back to Hentian Putra.. Now, which one is my bus?

On the road picture: McD Restaurant at Jalan Pahang.. it's just remind me to my childhood memories..

It was 2 a.m+ in the morning when the bus stop at Merapoh. And I still have the appetite to eat Nasi Berlauk with Sambal Kerang & Ikan Keli Goreng.

I arrived at Kota Bharu at 5.00 a.m. Well, it's still early for the bus (that will take me to my grandparent house) to come. So, after the Subuh prayer, & after I placed my bags at the baggage counter, I went for a morning walk around the bus station & Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah, looking for breakfast & to buy some kueh.

Oh by the way, can anybody tell me what is the name of this underconstruction building?

Do you regconize the person on the left side inside the advertisment poster? It was Adibah Nor, wearing a hijab. Its become a common for Muslim women to wear properly (including hijab) to appear in any billboard or advertisment here. I think she's cute when wearing hijab :)

So here we are- The Ground Floor of Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah where we can found many modern & traditional kueh. It used to be known as Pasar Buluh Kubu before, until it have been changed & named after the wife of Prophet Muhammad (who also a businesswomen) by Chief Minister of Kelantan, Y.A.B Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Bin Nik Mat as an honour because most of the traders at the market are women. That's what makes this market unique.

Each of the stall offers you various kind of kueh such as pulut, kochi, pau, cucur etc..

This makcik sells various kind of Nasi Berlauk (including sate) & kueh.

Here come my bus. Yey!

It almost 9 o'clock when I arrived at my grandmother house. And let see what we have on the table. My nephew from Pasir Mas eats the laksa, and my Mom (who has arrived yesterday with my aunt from Shah Alam) already bought a lot of kueh at Kedai Dewan. Plus the kueh that my aunt brought from Pasir Mas, it makes the table overload with food :P

I brought all of these souvenir from Sarawak for my grandparent. Terubok Masin and Bario rice..

and also a vase with Sarawakian ethnic motive that I bought with Mazlina & Kak Haslina a week before.

After the meal, my nephew play together.. They try to catch the chicks under the goat barn.

And what's for lunch?

Wow! Its my all time favourite Nasi Dagang, with Gulai Ayam Kampung.

My brother, her wife & their doughter arrived from Terengganu on the evening. As usual, they bought these satar and keropok lekor.


  1. wah, dh lain ek psr siti khadijah skrg... fad dh lama x blik kltn.. dlm 5 thn++ jugak r... last fad gi dlu, psr siti khadijah ni lain.. skrg dh brubah btul...

    dh lama x mkn sate n nasi impit yg dibungkus.. pstu nasi brlauk... kuih yg mcm tembikai, mcm2 lg lah... kat sini, yg sllu ade, nsi brlauk, nasi dagang je.. yg lain2 x jmpa... dlu klu blik kltn, sure fad n family gi mkn kat dpn psr siti khadijah tu.. skrg dh x de kn tmpt2 mkn kat dpn psr siti khadijah tu kan???

    pstu yg bestnye, pg2 gi bekfes kat warung2.. tmpt sllu mkn kat dusun muda ek?? yg dpn perodua tuh... kat situ r port bekfes sllu... huhuhu rindunye.....

    tq abg zam krn mengembalikn kngn2 fad yg lama... huhuuuuhu.. klu blik skrg n dh x mcm dlu.. konfom2 dh lain.. x meriah mcm dlu2...

  2. Fad ada tamily di kelantan ke?

  3. family ade, tp klu tamily x de... family blh arwh abah... dok kat kaw kb tu jugak... tp, dh lama dh fad x blik sne.. kiro fad ni ado drh2 klate jugok r.. cumo jare kelik sano...

  4. kelate my village!

  5. Fadzree
    Ada family d sana rupenya

    Lady fafa
    Thanks for following
    Tak balik kelantan ke?
